Jesus Paid It All Hymn Story and Lyrics

Jesus Paid It All Song Lyrics

I hear the Savior say,
“Thy strength indeed is small;
Child of weakness, watch and pray,
Find in Me thine all in all.”


Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.

For nothing good have I
Whereby Thy grace to claim;
I’ll wash my garments white
In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb.

And now complete in Him,
My robe, His righteousness,
Close sheltered ’neath His side,
I am divinely blest.

Lord, now indeed I find
Thy pow’r, and Thine alone,
Can change the leper’s spots [leopard’s]
And melt the heart of stone.

When from my dying bed
My ransomed soul shall rise,
“Jesus died my soul to save,”
Shall rend the vaulted skies.

And when before the throne
I stand in Him complete,
I’ll lay my trophies down,
All down at Jesus’ feet.

For more lyrics and stories of popular hymns visit old hymns.

Jesus Paid It All Hymn Story

Mrs. Elvina M Hall is the author of this beautiful hymn, Jesus Paid It All. It was first published in 1865.

Elvina Hall was born on June 4,1820. Her first husband was Richard Hall.

When he passed away, she married Thomas Meyers. She passed away in 1899.

The circumstances that led to this song are nothing short of supernatural, at least to me.

The author was attending a church service at Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore in the spring of 1865.

She was in the choir and the pastor gave a long prayer.

And as you all know during those times the mind can wander and that is what happened to Elvina Hall.

As the pastor prayed, Elvina’s mind turned to our need for salvation and the price that Jesus Christ our Lord paid.

Immediately she began to create the words of the song in her head. She then jotted the words down on the flyleaf of her hymnal.

After the service ended, she gave the scribbled words to her pastor.

That same day the organist John Grape had also composed a tune and gave it to the pastor.

Soon the pastor realized that the words and the tune fitted well. With that, this song was created.

I don’t know what you are thinking but I believe that God himself intervened in the creation of this song.

This song blessed people then and continues to bless people now. Jesus paid it all. He paid the price for our sins.

The stain that sin had left was washed by the price that Jesus paid.

When we go to heaven, we will lay our trophies at Jesus’ feet as he paid it all.

We bring nothing to the table when it comes to our salvation.

Below are some must read posts on hymns history and lyrics:

To God Be the Glory Lyrics and History

My Faith Looks Up to Thee Hymn Story and Lyrics.

Jesus Paid It All Hymn YouTube Video

Below is a video featuring Jesus paid it all acappella.

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